East Tilbury, Thurrock
The site is currently designated as Green Belt land and is being promoted through Thurrock Council’s emerging Local Plan.
The Issues and Options stage of the Council’s Local Plan identifies the area as a potential location for growth including new housing.
You may already be aware of the proposals for new homes and community facilities in the area, as they were originally shared with the community in 2015 and 2016 on behalf of the previous land promoter, Cogent Land. An outline planning application was submitted but not progressed, as there was uncertainty over the Lower Thames Crossing proposal, and this resulted in delays in the production of the Local Plan.
Mulberry Land took over the promotion of the land from Cogent in 2021, and are now keen to progress the plan and work with local people.
They have reviewed all the feedback provided and are updating the outline application that was submitted in 2016.
An updated application will be submitted to the Council in the coming weeks for consideration.
The timing for the application is key given the opportunity to provide a bridge link over the railway line.