East Tilbury, Thurrock


Our 4 Key Objectives
Creating Connections

Delivering new routes and connections.

Creating a Vibrant Community

Providing a range of quality homes for future residents, including 35% affordable homes, with new community and education facilities and services to support East Tilbury residents.

High Quality Design

Delivering homes and community facilities of high quality craftmanship that will be well maintained, ensuring future residents can live sustainably.

Connecting People With Nature

Providing multifunctional green spaces that offer opportunities for informal play, sport, recreation, wildlife corridors and sustainable drainage.

Artist Impression
Initial land use plan to illustrate the broad parameters of the proposal

Key Facts:

  • Working in partnership with National Highways, the development will facilitate the delivery of a bridge link over the railway line;
  • Up to 1,000 new homes for a range of occupiers could be provided;
  • The delivery of up to 35% affordable homes;
  • Open space and recreational space, landscaping, improved pedestrian and access links, and increased biodiversity;
  • A new two-form primary school;
  • The re-routing of heavy goods vehicles away from the centre of East Tilbury; and
  • New commercial and community space to support existing uses.